“The ultra mindset says reject”
“There are millions of excuses you can use. Please don’t, there are millions of losers using them.”
“Sure I can help you but even better news is you can help you.”
“Stop wasting time on things that don’t matter and that don’t serve you.”
“Naked mirror selfie. Go! (Pls don’t dm it to me, it’s for u)”
“Discipline is nearly always the answer.”
What if there were no crowds, no finish lines, no medals, no well dones and no high fives……..welcome to the new era apparently. First hand evidence suggests that intrinsic...
“The ultra mindset says admit. Step 1!”
“Glass half empty, glass half full, who cares, it’s your glass, sort it.”
“You are living in one of the most unique times in the history of mankind, it’s super awesome. Don’t spend it sulking.”
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