“You do not always need to say something.”
“It doesn’t so much as change your life, but rather let’s you know you are alive, and in the next moment it asks you how you want to live”
“Figure out what you stand for and then stand for it!”
“Not everyone is you. You are you. So please be you and win as you.”
“”Soon” may never arrive, “now” is here. Live”
“If you are searching for answers but are not sure of the questions…. try ultra running”
As a race we are becoming progressively weaker day by day. We make excuses, we complain, we quit, we think it’s all ok. It’s not ok, it’s a disaster....
“My first ultra was 300km single stage. At 28 hours I was hallucinating. At 100km I couldn’t feel my feet. At 160km I laid down to sleep & never...
“You goal is to have an amazing day today. Once you master that enough times then start talking about the big stuff. There are too many douche bag wanna...
“An additional day that only comes around every 4 years that you can win on! Fantastic!”
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