“If you want it bad enough you will make it and you will be successful.”
“Why aren’t you in a good mood? No reason. Fire up.”
“Spend more time with people that inspire you and less with losers.”
Just try it. For one day put the blame onto nobody else, take 100% responsibilities for your actions from the very smallest to the very greatest. In life and...
“The destination is “nice” but the addiction has to be to the daily grind. That’s what takes you to the destination.”
“Other people don’t have to live your life, you do, so focus on you.”
“It’s a no body else’s fault, it’s nobody else’s responsibility. The sooner you realize that the sooner you win.”
“A constant desire to live your best life is a learned behavior. Learn it fast please.”
“There may be one day when you wake up and make it happen. I really hope that is today.”
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