Community is power. Power creates energy. Energy allows us to move in many directions. Two key ones: Forward: positive energy Backward: negative energy What happens when positive energy expires?...
“Enjoyment is a skill train it.“
“If you are not progressing check your systems.“
“What do you understand about the way your brain works?”
Consistency is a frequently used word. Failure to being consistent is a product of two things….. Lack of discipline Lack of buy in to the vision or a process...
“People don’t listen because they have trained themselves to believe we have nothing good to tell them.“
“Time plus action is the key”
“Yup there are people that don’t know what airdrop is. They are cool too. Chat to them. “
“It’s easy to be shit. You have millions of teachers. “
“Sometimes a great first reaction is silence followed by thought.”
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