Same same
December 12, 2017

Same same

Routine you cry?
Boredom you beg?
It’s just the same again you reaffirm?
You know what, yeah its often routine, sometimes it may seem boring and other times you may feel like you are doing the same thing over and over.
But do you want me to let you in on a secret? That is just how it is. It is not always different, it is not always sexy and it is not always exciting.
This is why many people can’t be bothered, get bored or simply do not have the mental focus to keep going and make things happen.
I want the best for you. I want you to win in whatever it is you are doing and that’s why I want to tell you that along the way there is a lot of “same same”.
It is that same same that delivers for you, gets you what you are working towards and makes sure you win.
It is that same same that not everyone can stand.
Do not be everyone. Do the same same again and again.
