No normal day
On a normal day if you asked any one of these 1,000 humans to step out for a run with you in these rising midday temperatures they would think you were mad.
Today they are pounding the undulating tarmac as the mercury tips over 30 degrees and the sea breeze is yet to arrive.
They have arrive on the “run course” having already swam 1.9km in the ocean and ridden 90km through the rolling foothills of Muscat. Some will have felt the feels before, for others it is their first time. Poor hydration during the bike leg comes at a high price on the 21.1km run course.
The emotions peak and through as does the perceived effort needed to keep moving forward. But they keep moving forward, each step closer to the finish line. Even the ones who are overcome by cramp, fatigue or emotion, which brings their run to a walk temporarily, keep moving forward.
Everyone on the course has their own story, some know it, others are trying to find it, for many the race itself is the anesthesia that gets them to the next one, for a few it is the state of flow, of peace and beauty.
It is many different things to many different people but there is something unique about this endurance sport of triathlon. I continue to show up, to watch, to support, to learn and in some way to help where I can as numerous InnerFight athletes around the world partake in it weekly.
It remains one of my greatest teachers because every time I watch it I know it is no normal day.