Another Layer
December 17, 2024

Another Layer

It’s all just opinions. Some have more evidence, some have less. Do we know which is which and what is better for us to believe? I don’t know. Call me cynical but even when you look at some scientific studies they are funded by companies who have something to sell or something to prove.

Where am I going here with this one?

I was reflecting this on reading a newspaper recently and perhaps prompted by an article that my Dad shared with me  from the Times newspaper. What should we read, what should we believe? Should we pass time reading things or watching things that we are unsure of the authenticity of or the agenda of the producers? This could bring everything we consume under the spot light. Be it the 5 o’clock news, our social media feeds or the books we read.

Humans want comfort and comfort comes from believing. We like to believe in something. It gives us a sense of connection, maybe purpose, of knowing.

Just like the 5 o’clock news or someone’s feed on X, newspapers also have things in them that perhaps we do not want to read or brings negativity to our lives.

So is it time to withdraw totally? Is it time to clean up the information that comes in or time to allow a certain amount of information in but then carefully process it, challenge it maybe, go deeper, learn more and keep an open mind about things?
