“Keto diet”! Is it a fad or should you be doing it? Here are my thoughts
“Not everyone needs a massive goal. For some people getting out of bed when the alarm goes off today is a huge victory.”
“Ever written your own definition of success? It helps if success is what you are after in life.”
If you wrote down every health, fitness or diet concept or trend that you heard of in the last twelve months how many lines on a sheet of A4...
“No new fad will change your body or life, it’s your mindset that needs to change first.”
“There is always something you can do to get better and normally it is the most simple thing. Small things create big change.”
“Take one piece of paper and write down the 3 things that you most want from life. Then under those 3 things make a plan, a plan like you...
“You can’t sit around and wait forever.”
“If you’re not excited then I’m sorry.”
“Set some goals that have some meaning, understand the process, then go out and crush the whole damn lot and have fun doing it.”
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