We are all “coaches”, we can all bring value to others, we can all get better, we can all help each other. At the start of the year I...
Having just emptied enough sand to build a toddler a prize worthy sandcastle from my ears and left plenty for said toddlers older sibling to do the same strewn...
A lot of people ask me about coaching and if they are coachable, what impact we can have, can they reach their goals etc. My response is pretty much...
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Einstein So we know what it means but as we near the end of the month...
We close off, we keep things tight, we don’t open up, things fester, it gets harder to speak until maybe one day we “breakdown” and in that breakdown we...
Tired? Overweight? Not losing weight? Lean? Not sleeping? Sore muscles? Muscles not growing? Digestive issues? Hot? Cold? First thing in the morning? Lack of mental clarity? The solution is...
Phone call. E-mail. Social media. WhatsApp. and a whole stream of other distractions seem to be invading and a lot of the time taking over our lives today…… but...
No I do not mean food. But think of it like food for a second. In fact for a lot of people it’s easiest if we use that link...
Probably a question you hardly ever ask yourself because frankly you may never know the answer and even more frankly you probably don’t want to know the answer. That...
Who is to blame the athletes or the system? Check out this insta live as I attack the topic.
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