You set some pretty big goals for 2018 didn’t you? Yeah I know you did!! Fitter, eat better, be a better dude, love more. All that jazz that always...
Probably a question you hardly ever ask yourself because frankly you may never know the answer and even more frankly you probably don’t want to know the answer. That...
Who is to blame the athletes or the system? Check out this insta live as I attack the topic.
I am a coach, this is not biased. I am the same as you. I need a coach, multiple coaches if I am honest and I have them, I...
I read a quote quite some time ago. Off my head I can not remember where it was. I imagine a number of people have claimed it, who cares,...
I did a talk recently at Creative Mornings on “context”. To a crowd I had never met and who knew a little about me. I don’t always introduce myself...
“What an amazing year you have been 2017. Thank you!” How many of you are saying that right now? How many of you genuinely feel that? If yes why?...
You can choose to have fun, you can choose to smile, you can choose to laugh. At certain times you may want to do none, you may even want...
We all have bad days, we all have bad weeks, we all have shit to deal with. Stop thinking you are special, stop thinking it is a good excuse...
Suffering – what is it really? What is max effort – what should it feel like? Legs are not working – does that actually happen? Pain – is there...
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